

آخر المواضيع

الاثنين، 27 ديسمبر 2021

ديسمبر 27, 2021

universal iptv

 🎁 لسنا الوحيدون لكن الافضل

♨️ تطبيق UNIVERSE IPTV ♨️

💥 تطبيق عملاق وعالمي لمشاهدة الآلاف القنوات العالمية 🌏 المشفرة والمفتوحة جودة عالية وبدون تقطيع

⬅️ كود تفعيل جديد بريميوم 🔑 

⬅️ احدث الأفلام والمسلسلات 🎥 🎞

⬅️ يدعم النت الضعيف

⛔️ تنويه اذا لم يعمل معك التطبيق قم بتشغيل VPN  لكي يعمل معك

👀👍فرجة ممتعة للجميع

⬅️ رابط تحميل التطبيق



كود التفعيل 🔑



الأربعاء، 8 أبريل 2020

أبريل 08, 2020

تعريف خدمة iptv وطريقة الحصول عليها مجانا

  (tilfizyun al'intrnt barutikul)

هو طريقة نقل الإشارة التلفزيونية عن طريق استخدام الانترنت
وذلك بدل استخدام تقنية البث عن طريق استخدام الكابلات أو اطباق الدش و اقمار البث فى الفضاء
كان فى السابق تستطيع تشغيل الانترنت على حاسوبك الخاص وتشغيل ما تريد وبعد ذلك ربط الالحاسوب بشاشة التلفاز الخاصة لك عن طريق كابلات معينة
ولكن الان تم تغيير ذلك عن طريق أجهزة البث الرقم
Set - toobox 
الذى يريبط الانترنت بالتلفاز مباشرتا و يستطيع التلفاز تصفح الانترنت بسهولة
فى الماضى كنت تحتاج إلى 
تلفزيون + وصلات + اطباق دش+ ورسيفر + كهرباء 
بعد توفير تلك الخدمة 
هاتف + إنترنت + تطبيق 

ما يحتوبة iptv من خدمات
يمكن تقسيم الى ٣ أقسام

خدمة قصيرة الأمد وهى تحتوى على مقاطع فديو يوتيوب ذات وقت صغير

خدمة متوسطة الأمد وتحتوى على مقاطع متوسطة المدة وبرامج تلفزيونيه

خدمة طويلة الأمد وتحتوى على مقاطع ذات مدة طويلة وايضا برامج تلفزيونيه

كما يمكنك من خلال تلك الخدمة
١- مشاهدة برامج واامقاطع المختلفة فى اى وقت من الاسبوع
٢- يمكنك مشاهدة المقاطع و تحميلها بدون تخزينها على جهازك
٣١ يمكنك طلب مقطع أو برنقمعين تفضل مشاهدتة من مزود تاخدمة لديك

فوائد iptv

تكلفة قليلة
حيث أنة لا يعتمد على وجود اقمار وكبلات واطباق دش
٢- الامان
حيث أنة يوفر جدار حماية يحمى من عمليات الاختراق و القرصنة
٣- اختيار ما يتم مشاهدتة
حيث يمكنك من مشاهدة القنوات التى نفضلها أو أيضا البرامج

كيف يتم الحصول على تلك الخدمة
يتم بيع هذة الخدمة مقابل المال الكثير خيث يصل الاشتراك السنوى الى ٦٠٠ يورو سنويا 

كما يوجد كثير من التطبيقات تقدم أيضا تلك الخدمة مقابل دفع المال

فى هذا الموضوع سوف نوفر لك هذة الخدمة بصورة مجانية وبقينة وجودة المدفوع لكل متابعين مدونتنا الاحباء

يمكنك تحميل السيرفر iptv  بصيغة m3u من
تطبيق تشغيل السيرفر iptv  بصيغة m3uعلى الأندرويد من
برنامج تشغيل السيرفرiptv  بصيغة m3u على الكمبيوتر من
يمكنك تحميل بيانات الاكستريم من 
يمكنك تحميل برنامج تشغيل الاكستريم للكمبيوتر من 
يمكنك تحميل برنامج تشغيل الاكستريم للاندرويد من 

نتمنى لكم مشاهدة ممتعه
دمتم فى سلام امنين

السبت، 28 مارس 2020

مارس 28, 2020

Measuring IPTV QOS (Quality Of Service)

Measuring IPTV QOS (Quality Of Service)

Word Count:

الروابط اسفل المقال

IPTV QOS is a topic that has become a confusing issue for many businesses, so let's clear it up.

Quality Of Service, being something new oftens makes people automatically think of using pre-existing measurement techniques. This basic starting point for QOS measurement is where most of the confusion is generated.

In the same way that when companies began moving from Analogue to digital broadcast signals, the natural tendancy of the existing engineers was to want to measu...

IPTV QOS is a topic that has become a confusing issue for many businesses, so let's clear it up.

Quality Of Service, being something new oftens makes people automatically think of using pre-existing measurement techniques. This basic starting point for QOS measurement is where most of the confusion is generated.

In the same way that when companies began moving from Analogue to digital broadcast signals, the natural tendancy of the existing engineers was to want to measure the new digital signal by converting it back to analogue and then using their existing equipment. IPTV QOS has caused a lot of the same methodology, whereby engineers with a network background want to measure network statistics, and engineers with a video background want to measure video statistics. The former (network engineers) can happily take their measurements from the existing network infrastructure, but get no feeling for what packets on the network relate to what video signals. The video people want to convert the IPTV signal back into its digital video format (converting it from IP to Video), which really misses the point that all you're really finding out is how well the converting device works (a piece of test equipment won't be comparable to the way a STB (set top box) would decode the signal. Thus, you have two separate approaches to the same problem - neither of which is really ideal.

Now, there IS a place for existing test equipment (network test equipment is great for data traffic as it always was, and Transport Stream (digital video) analysers are great at your Head-End (where the video content originates)and other video aggregation points in order to confirm that the video into your IP network was good), so it's not time to throw it away, it's just not the right tool for IPTV QOS.

With those comments out of the way we can move forward (it's difficult to move when you still have one foot in your old mindset).

Depending on who you are, you could very well be concerned with just one part of an IPTV system or the entire system, so we'll break it into the core problem and what that means at each place in the network (we'll assign the network 4 test points: 1) Head End 2) Core Network 3) Network Edge 4) Customer Home).

This might concern you if you are responsible for creating, providing, or receiving video from a Head End.

A Head End can consist of anything from professional video encoders to VOD Servers (Video On Demand), and could be in one of many video formats, compression types, bitrates etc. They could be Unicast or Multicast, UDP, RTP or a proprietary mechanism (As in the case of MSTV).

Whatever the situation, it's a good idea to take steps to ensure that the Head End is robust and that the video encoding devices are reliable. A problem at the Head End affects everyone down the line, right to the customer. (we'll assume that various 'redundant' systems are in place to avoid this type of problem where possible)

Having built the Head End system with a robust architecture, the last thing (and the important one for us) is to monitor the Head End IP video flow output to ensure that this first point where the video is IP encapsulated has been done adequately and that the rest of the IPTV infrastructure can rely on this input.

Note: One common mistake at this point (and elsewhere) is to have some sort of round-robin system in place where not all of the video streams are measured at the same time - this should only be done if absolutely necessary as one of the 'issues' with the nature of IP delivery over a network is that impairments caused to the signal in the IP domain have a non-deterministic affect on the video flows. This means that while you're looking at 5 of 100 flows, you could be having problems on some random number of other flows which you wouldn't see - unless you monitor ALL flows simultaneously.

2) Core Network.

Hopefully the steps above will have been done, so if you're concerned with the core network, your main work involves doing your own verification that the flows coming into your network are ok (you can't rely on the Head End provider to do this for you, and it's much easier to be able to get out of the spotlight when problems occur if you can easily confirm your input), and ensuring that the passage across the network doesn't cause any loss or excessive jitter (the only 2 components that can stop the network getting your video to the end intact.

Now that we're in the IP domain, this issue of packet loss is ultimately the number 1 thing to look out for (any IP packets lost WILL mean video content loss since all mechanisms insert video packets into IP packets for delivery, some even contain up to 7 video packets in one IP packet). However, with that said, every network device (and ultimately the STB) have buffers which means that excessive jitter can cause packet loss. Since we REALLY don't want packet loss, this means jitter is just as important to us when monitoring our system.

The real kicker here is that if you're from the old school of IP monitoring you'll be pretty happy with what I've said so far - but there's one thing which makes thing a little more 'interesting'. It is perfectly possible to lose 'media' packets but NOT IP packets. Whenever an infrastructure includes elements like multiplexers which combine the mpeg video and 'MUX' several streams into one, if you're not doing some form of 'deep packet inspection' (looking into the media headers to ensure the continuity counters are correct) you could have no IP packet loss, but still have video problems. This basically means that your solution cannot come from one approach or the other, but needs to do the monitoring in the IP domain while still confirming that the media packets are intact.

This additional complication is one of the things that many test equipment manufacturers haven't accounted for, usually due to the fact that this is still a fairly new field and many equipment vendors are focused on creating 'features' rather than addressing the customer problems to deliver benefits which actually give them the robust solutions required.

3) Network Edge.

As before, our first step is to confirm our input is good by monitoring all flows simultaneously for jitter and packet loss and then ensuring that the 'last mile' mechanism to the customer home is as robust as possible.

Since this step could easily involve conversion from IP to RF (cable companies us RF (Radio Frequency) signals instead of the copper or fibre cables that most network equipment uses, any test equipment may need an appropriate interface for this (the most common interface here is QAM (Quadrature Amplitude Modulation) of which there are 3 main type (they're actually called 'Annex's') Annex A, B, and C for US, Europe and Asia.

So depending on your infrastructure here, you may or may not have an IP network to the customer home.

4) Customer Home.

The final, and some would say the most important part of the system.

As before, we need to check our input (the IP video flows that are about to go to the customers STB). Since we're talking about IP, again this is all about the jitter and packet loss that has occured to those video flows on their journey to this home. Since we checked the video quality as it was encoded at the head end, we know that as long as the jitter isn't too much for the STB to cope with, and there's no packet loss - the video will be exactly as it was when it was encoded.

If you're wondering how to get around this - there are equipment vendors with devices that go IN the customer home and adstract the workload from the STB and even some that let the customer press a button to signal when THEY saw a problem (regardless of what your test equipment may or may not have indicated - who says you need to simulate a customer experience)

There - Pretty simple really.

That's true, but in real life most companies don't own, control or even have access to the entire system. This makes rolling out an IPTV deployment a bit of a nightmare unless you understand the issues and have the appropriate test equipment (remember, some people still have one foot in the network or video world of old).

When companies do have access to large parts of the system or are working with friendly companies that do, this headache can get a whole lot easier when the equipment being used can have its data fed into a central video monitoring system. This way, the 2 common problems of 1) Where is the problem 2) Is it an IP problem, are visible at a glance and much wasted time and effort just getting to the point where you even know where the problem is can be avoided.

When it comes to wanting to quantify the quality of the system, there are several standards for assessing IPTV, the most common are 1) V-Factor 2) MOS 3) MDI

1) V-Factor

V-Factor is a system that uses Moving Picture Quality Metrics (MPQM) research to try and simulate what a human would have decided the video quality was like.

This is an interesting method and is one way to approach the problem, but requires a lot of processing, cannot realistically be done across most of the network (since the processing work is heavy, this does not lend itself to 'core' or 'head end' monitoring), so might serve as a useful measurement to integrate into STBs.

Since we're looking at a holistic IPTV QOS approach, only a monitoring solution that gives us the big picture aswell as the detail will do.

2) MOS (Mean Opinion Score)

Again, this metric is designed to try and give an approximation of what a human would see.

As with the V-Factor, it's a cool idea and technically excellent but doesn't tell us what is wrong with the system (it's nice to have a quality 'score', but in reality we need to know what to DO about a 'poor' score).

3) MDI (Media Delivery Index)

As the name suggests, we get a metric that tell us something about the delivery. (xx:yy where xx equates to the cumulative jitter and yy equates to packet loss) This time, rather than trying to analyse the video and 'score' it, we get data about the jitter and packet loss at the point being measured. While it might not study the decoded video signal, it does tell us how well the video has been delivered - which if you remember is really the most important thing if it was encoded properly.

MDI is an apporiate metric at any point in the system and would let us know immediately if there was a delivery problem. Since the MDI values are based on the bitrates of the video streams, this also gives us some really useful information about how different streams will be affected by our network (for example, if we're already running 50 SD (Standard Definition) Streams and we want to replace them with HD (High Definition) streams, a V-Factor or MOS score at some point in our network won't tell us what to expect, whereas MDI metrics will let us know how much difference the network is likely to make. The jitter on the network will affect SD and HD stream differently (in fact, any streams with different bitrates will be differently affected by the jitter - this causes many problems), so having information about the way the jitter is affecting the IP delivery is REALLY useful information, that you just don't get with the other measuring systems.

I hope you find this article useful and take the steps to ensure a reliable system before you get 'deployment headaches'. Another article will follow shortly describing how to build a robust IPTV network.

الخميس، 26 مارس 2020

مارس 26, 2020

Earn Money With Google

Earn Money With Google

الروابط اسفل الموضوع 

The Internet has drawn masses of people that have the same overwhelming desire to work at home or create a home-based business. Why is this so popular? One of the biggest reasons is the fact that you can earn real money with minimal up front expense. It really is mind boggling when you compare the traditional methods of creating income to Online Internet opportunities.

The Internet has drawn masses of people that have the same overwhelming desire to work at home or create a home-based business. Why is this so popular? One of the biggest reasons is the fact that you can earn real money with minimal up front expense. It really is mind boggling when you compare the traditional methods of creating income to Online Internet opportunities.

It's easy to see many searches whereby people are looking to earn money-utilizing Google and the Internet. After all it its the premier search engine. Say what you want, but they have become the leader in their market place. You see searches for phrases like Google online store, Google profits, how to make money with Google and many more.

Upon seeing those request I decided to take a look to see what types of opportunities are available. I wanted to get a feel for what these businesses entailed.

Here are a few examples of what you can expect to see in the programs that I found in this niche of the market place:

You get a Online website, instant web site setup, pages with many links to products & services of interest, marketing tools and step-by-step guidance on how to be successful. The overall picture is you are given many links on specific web pages whereby you are paid when people click on links from your site. Google offers many advertisements so it is easy to see how this could be a very profitable business. In fact I use them myself.

Every day people turn to the Internet to look for the products and services they need. When searching for these products it only makes sense that a majority of them would be using Google search engine. You can see where this would create a large amount of demand for web sites such as these.

You need no prior experience. You will not have the typical expenses of a brick and mortar business such as a storefront, inventory cost and employee's. It's all done online so you can have your own Google profit machine in no time at all. Why not put the power of the Internet to work for you?

The key is do your research as I found many companies to fit the bill, but you have to filter through the programs to find the one that fits your financial goals and skill sets. In my previous articles you will find that I always recommend that you either use a website like mine, but necessarily mine, that has researched the types of programs you are looking for. If you choose not to use a website then you will need to do the necessary research yourself. It can be done and you can be successful, but it takes a great deal of time.

It's easy to see that the opportunity to own you own online business is available if you want it. These types of program can be used to create some additional income or to create a more profitable home based business. The choice is yours.

If you are reading this article you more than likely have the necessary equipment to own an online business.

الأربعاء، 25 مارس 2020

مارس 25, 2020

Remote Control PRO

Remote Control PRO

How to simplify the life of a network administrator by performing user assistance and server configuration remotely

Remote Control Pro is an enterprize-quality remote control software for network management in a corporate network. With using Remote Control Pro, a Network Administrator can control network servers as if they are working directly on the target PC. With Remote Control Pro the Network Administrator sees the remote PC screen on their monitor and use their own keyboard and mouse as if they are connected to that remote desktop.

Remote Control Pro has an outstanding list of features which takes this free product to the top of the competitive remote control software:

* High Performance. The killing kernel mode driver technology used in Remote Control PRO allows it to make thousands screen updates per second. 

* Low CPU load. We keep the remote PC CPU load as low as 5-10% because of the kernel mode driver usage and optimized compression algorithms. 

* Absolutely Safe Encryption. Remote Control PRO uses 128-bit RC4 protocol encryption that makes this remote administration tool usage absolutely safe even in Wide Area Networks. 

* Network Protocol Plugins. Remote Control PRO uses superior network plugin system that abstracts network transport layer from client application and allows the program to use network protocols transparently to client. 

* Multiple Client Connections. IT staff members can jointly manage and repair problem computers, perform remote backups and do other remote administration job since the program allows multiple connections to a remote PC.

* Unattended setup. You can install Remote Control Pro to hundreds of computers in your LAN in minutes.

You can try Remote Control PRO for free since there is a trial version available for free download on the site of the manufacturer: http://www.alchemy-lab.com?c=art. To keep the software, you will pay only $15 US for a workstation (Remote Control PRO is licensed on the "per seat" basis), site license and volume discounts also available.

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authorمرحبا، أسمي محمد وهذه مدونتي أسعى دائما لأقدم لكم أفضل المواضيع الخاصة بالتكنلوجيا
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